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Friday, 14 November 2014

Saturday Shorts: Suzy And Dave

Saturday Shorts: Suzy And Dave
by Jonathan Eddington

Dave could not help but giggle as he watched through the key hole of the storage cupboard he was hiding in. In the middle of the corridor in front of him various teachers and students knelt down to try and pick up the coins he had glued to the floor. Most made it look like they had dropped something and were bending to pick it up, or that they had stopped to do their laces. Others were more brazen, but no one could pull them free. As the number of people using the corridor died down, Dave struggled not to be heard sniggering as their attempts to free the coins became more frantic. A girl hacked at them with one of her high heels, until the heel snapped off. One guy tried to kick them free, and almost fell on his back. Another got down on his hands and knees and was trying to bite them off, but still they remained stuck fast.

Eventually the corridor was silent. Dave had almost left the cupboard when Suzy appeared. Sashaying around the corner, tottering on her heels, but so engrossed in her phone, she did not she him duck back inside. Safe again, he watched her swaying hips and the way her short plaid skirt lifted slightly with each step. Oh for a gust of wind!

A glint from the coins caught Suzy's eye, and she stopped. Dave held his breath as she glanced down at them, then up and down the now empty corridor. As she bent over, her body side on to him, her skirt rose revealing the firm toned curve of her butt cheek. Higher still it slid until almost her entire buttock was bared. Dave gazed in awe. From where he was hid it looked like she was not wearing any underwear. If only she was bent over with her back to him.

Read the rest of this story in the eBook, Amorous Adventures.

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