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All stories, rhymes and articles are © Jonathan Eddington and may not be copied or redistributed without my permission.
All images unless otherwise noted were found online and will be removed if requested.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Manly Mondays: The Hunk Next Door - Part 2

If you have not yet read part one, click here to read it first.

Manly Mondays: The Hunk Next Door - Part 2
by Jonathan Eddington

Jo stood in the shower feeling the hot water running over her skin. Was this really such a good idea when she still knew so little about Matt? What if he tried to hurt her? Well, if he did, she would only be next door so she could shout Louise for help. How would he be with her? Rough and demanding, or sensual and tender? She did not really care. It had been a few months since Jo had last had sex, and lust was taking over her now. Even the touch of her own hands gliding over her increasingly sensitive skin was turning her on. The temptation to satisfy herself was hard to ignore, but somehow she managed it. Wrapping a towel around her moist body she headed back to her room.

Monday 14 July 2014

Manly Mondays: The Hunk Next Door - Part 1

Manly Mondays: The Hunk Next Door
by Jonathan Eddington

Ever since Jo had left her cheating rat of a husband and moved in with Louise, Jo had been catching increasingly tantalising glimpses of the hunky guy next door.