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Monday 18 November 2013

Dreaming of You 5 - Girls Night In

Dreaming of You 5 - Girls Night In
by Jonathan Eddington

I had a dream about you last night. A hot, sweaty, climactic dream...

Like all dreams it begins in the middle. In this case, the middle of you and several of your friends having a party in our front room. All of you are drinking, and like any conversation between a group of fairly drunk ladies, the subject of sex has come up.

"He always wants to rub himself between my breasts," a rather busty blonde moans, "then give me a pearl necklace!"

All but one of the ladies giggle. Confused, the slender young redhead looks at the others.

"He gives you jewellery, just because you let him do that?"

Laughter bursts from the others.

"She means he finishes on her neck" you kindly explain.

"Oh!" she gasps, then smiles. "I'd rather swallow it."

"Really! What about the taste?" the blonde asks, a look of minor disgust on her face.

"You barely taste it if he's deep in your mouth" the redhead winks back.

"I'm sure my guy keeps trying to do it on my face," the blonde adds, "as he's been thrusting quite high as he finishes recently."

"He wants you to be his little porn star!" laughs a slim brunette.

"You should let him" you practically whisper.

"Oh, so you let your guy get your face all sticky with his stuff then?" the bemused redhead asks.

"Yeah, he loves it..."

"I bet he does!" giggles the brunette.

"...and so do I."

For several moments there is nothing but a stunned silence.

"What's it feel like?" the redhead asks seeming genuinely interested.

Everyone looks at you in anticipation. Clearly it is something none of the others have done, but they are curious about.

Read the rest of this story in the eBook, Poetic Dreams.


  1. well this is the first ive read from you but ts definitley a very arousing story cant wait to have my old lady read it and see what i can t pull off again well done

    1. Thank you, and I hope your good lady enjoys, and is inspired by it too. ;-)

  2. Well there's a hell of a dream. Seems like some of mine.

    1. Nice to know it's not just me, or guys that do Jackie! ;-)

    2. It's where I get my own inspiration. Though, I will admit to getting some from the dreams of others as well.

    3. I wish I could see the dreams of others. Though a few friends have offered scenario suggestions, being able to see what they have imagined would be... interesting. ;-)

    4. I'll have to admit to not seeing the dreams of others. Merely that a few have been whispered into my ear.
