Something About You - Part 1
by Jonathan Eddington
"You've spent far too long on your own. It's time you had some fun!" Tara had said. I had never told her why I avoided guys. Because the only boyfriend I have had made me feel so dirty and used it put me right off sex. That had been before I met her nearly two years ago, and she had become more and more insistent that I needed a man.
In the end I had blurted out how he would pin me down, slam himself painfully inside me, and after a few frantic moments roll off and fall asleep. I explained about the small heart shaped birthmark on my shoulder, how all through school I had been teased mercilessly about it, and how he had told his mates at college that it was a tattoo I had done for him.
Tara had looked at me in horror, called him a bastard, and told me about how different it was with the guys she knew. I never knew there were guys that were romantic like they are in films. And I was shocked at how much she told me about her sex life, but increasingly interested in experiencing the sensations and feelings she described.
So that was how I had ended up here in this singles bar. I had finally agreed to her offer to go on a man hunt. Tara had already been pointing out several guys, but they all reminded me of my ex. In frustration she had gone off to the bar by herself.
It has only been a few moments when I notice a fairly attractive guy on the other side of the room looking at me. There is something about him that keeps my gaze locked into his. For several seconds we are frozen. Everything else in the room seems to melt away, and feel myself about to move towards him.
Suddenly he turns away. Someone has bumped into him. I realise I am blushing and my heart is racing. I hear Tara calling my name above the noise of the crowd. She has doubled up on our drinks and can not carry them all. I look back towards this mysterious guy, but he is gone.
Disappointedly I make my way to Tara, trying in vain to spot this mystery man.
"What took you so long?" she scolds me, "What where you staring at?"
"I... Err... Well... He..."
"Need a hand ladies?"
A male hand catches mine and my skin tingles at his touch. Slowly my eyes wander up his arm taking in the strong physique clearly visible beneath his shirt. My heart skips a beat as I realise it is him, the mysterious guy from across the room. To my surprise I find myself imagining running my hands across his chest and down his stomach...
"Hello?" he looks at me quizzically.
"Oh! Err... Hi!"
Close up he looks stunning. The strong jawline, straight nose and piercing blue eyes seem oh so familiar, but I have no idea why. His deep manly voice I do not recognise.
"I'm Philip," he says, "but you can call me Phil"
"Why hello Phil!" coos Tara as she eyes him up and down.
Phil ignores Tara and continues to gaze into my eyes. I am at a loss what to say and take a moment to realise I am still touching his hand.
"Erm, Erin" I finally manage to say.
"That's an unusual name" he looks puzzlingly at me. "You're not..."
"Well I'm going to dance," interrupted Tara, "if you want to join me?"
Again Phil ignores her so she storms off and leaves us alone. He raises his hand and brushes my hair behind my ear causing my heart to flutter. I raise my hand to his as he reaches my neck and he moves closer to me. I gaze into his eyes as his nose brushes mine. We nuzzle briefly then my lips part as I gasp with a deep desire. Phil's lips brush mine causing them to tingle and I lose myself in the tenderest kiss I have ever experienced.
After what seems an eternity we pause for breath. My god I have never felt anything like that. What is it about this man that awoken such a deep, burning desire within me? This is even better than Tara described, and we have only kissed.
"Fancy going someplace else?"
"My mate..." I look for Tara on the dance floor as I find myself thinking of undressing Phil.
In the middle of the pulsating throng of bodies I see her writhing up against a toned, young guy who is clearly enjoying her attention.
"I think she'll be ok" Phil says as Tara starts to kiss the guy heavily.
"Well I dunno. She might wonder where I've gone" I ponder as I find myself thinking of his naked body brushing against mine.
"Text her?" he whispers into my ear.
His breath sends shivers of anticipation coursing through my body, and I fantasise about our naked entwined bodies. Quickly I send a message to Tara:
'Thanks for a great night.
See you at work on Monday!
x x'
Glancing back to see Tara checking her phone I let Phil lead me outside, hail a taxi, and we are off to his home. He slips his arm around me and I snuggle up against his manly chest.
"Are you ok?" he soothingly asks.
"Yeah," I reply gazing up into his eyes, "it's weird. I've never felt so happy, yet I don't even know you. Do you know what I mean?"
"I think so. There's something about you that seems oh so familiar."
Through the window I spot a familiar building. Glancing around I realise we are heading into the area where I grew up.
"I haven't been down here in years, not since..." I falter, not wanting to remember the taunts at school and my arrogant ex.
"It's a much better place than it used to be" he almost mumbles as we stop outside a smart semi-detached house.
As I exit the taxi I recall that I lived two streets away, the bullies from school lived around here, though it did look very run down then. Now the gardens are smart, the houses clean and no rubbish blowing around the street.
"Are you sure you want to come in?"
"Yes" I agree, images of Phil's naked body flashing once again in my mind.
At the front door he opens it and steps back to let me inside. Following me in Phil switches on the lights and I find myself in a warm comforting hallway with a door leading off to the left and a staircase in front of me. He leads me into the front room where he lights some scented candles and switches on soft music.
"Would you like a drink?" he enquires.
"Hmm, sure. That would be nice."
Within moments he is back with two glasses and sitting next to me. The atmosphere between us is filled with energy. I want to slip off his shirt and caress his chest, but manage to hold myself back as I wait to see what happens.
"Cheers!" Phil clinks our glasses together, takes a sip from his then places it on the table next to him.
Moving right beside me, our bodies touching, he strokes my hair and I give in to my desires and kiss him fully and deeply. Without thinking I undo his shirt and place one hand over his heart, feeling the strong, steady rhythm practically matching mine. Phil moves his hand from my hair to the strap of my top and slides it down.
"It is you!" he gasps. "Erin Cavanagh, from school..."
I realise with horror he has seen my birthmark, and worse still recognises it. Panicking somewhat I back away from him.
"Erin," he despondently replies, "what's wrong?"
"No one has seen that since college. Everyone that did bullied me about it..." I tremble.
"Not everyone" Phil sighs tenderly. "I remember you being picked on, and wanted to yell at them to stop. But I was too cowardly to say anything in case they started on me for my spots."
"Spotty McGotty?" I gasp relived. "That's you!"
"I guess we've both changed since then," he says with a hint of sadness, "and you are even more beautiful than I remember."
"No, I'm not. I'm..."
"Stunning, sexy, drop dead gorgeous!" he proclaims as he clasps my hands in his and gazes into my eyes.
"You're just saying that..."
"Because it's true. When I saw you across the club it was like seeing an angel, even though I didn't realise it was you until now."
"Really? I always thought I was quite plain." I murmur.
"Certainly not! You've just hid yourself under baggy clothes and behind your lovely long hair."
Again he lifts his hand to my head, this time letting my hair slide through his fingers. My body tingles at his touch and as I gingerly run my fingers over his chest he closes his eyes and gives a slights shiver.
"Oh, how I dreamt about you touching me so many nights back then. But I never thought it might happen" he sighs.
"Oh really?" I mischievously smile a sense of daring taking over me. "Touching here?"
I look at his crotch and run my hand over it. His arousal is hard to miss, as is the shiver his body gives to my touch. Phil brings my lips to his and kisses me hungrily. His hand slips off the other strap of my top and I feel it slide down my body. My nerve falters in my semi exposed state and I break our kiss.
"Better than I imagined" he breathes as he looks at my full breasts. "May I?" he queries, his hands at my shoulders.
Not sure what he is asking, but feeling safe in his presence I nod. He reaches behind me and deftly unclasps my bra. A sense of excitement rises in me at the thought of Phil seeing my firm breasts, and clearly in him too as I feel his erection twitch in his pants. I give him a quick squeeze as he slips the straps down my shoulders and he gasps with pleasure, a smile on his face.
Placing first one arm then the other across my chest I let him remove the straps. I move back slightly as he finally removes my bra, and coyly smile as I look him straight in the eyes. I take a deep breath, then, keeping my gaze locked on his, move my arms from my breasts.
Phil can not help but look down. A huge grin spreads across his face and I notice his pants are noticeably straining to contain him.
"You like?" I ask as I give my body a little shake making my breasts sway hypnotically.
"Hmm... Wha? Oh yeah. They are magnificent!"
Reaching out to touch one he looks at me for permission. I show my acceptance by leaning closer. His outstretched fingers tease a nipple causing me to moan gently. Cupping my breast in his hand he gives it a squeeze, as I run my hand down his chest to his pants, pausing at the button. I toy with it as we kiss again. His other hand joins mine and pops the button. The zip moves down from the force of his straining erection, and the tip bumps against my palm making it slightly sticky.
Phil groans with pleasure as I slide my hand down and grip him firmly. In response he slips one hand under my skirt and up my thigh, sending shivers of anticipation rushing through my body. I spread my legs to make it easier for him, and begin to make long, slow strokes. With each one I tease his glistening tip with my thumb. He feels so hard and powerful in my grip, and for the first time in a very long time I long to have a man inside me. His fingers reach there destination and caress my arousal through my panties. Both of us are breathing heavily as the desire courses through our bodies. Phil lays me onto my back and removes my skirt and panties. Gazing at my glistening femininity, he kneels before me and kisses his way up my inner thighs. I feel so alive and filled with longing for him I am finding it hard to keep still. A hand mirrors his lips up my other thigh with a feather light touch. These sensations are completely new to me and I briefly curse my selfish ex.
Phil's lips reach their destination and I let out a little whimper of delight. When his fingers join then I throw my head back and gasp. My body tingles to his touch, my legs are quivering and I grasp his shoulders to try and steady myself. A couple of his fingers enter me as he licks and sucks. My breathing is coming in gasps as something builds inside me. It almost feels to much, too good, as an intense rush of pleasure floods me. I can not help but cry out in surprise at the fire coursing through my veins. With each lap of his tongue, suck of his lips and thrust of his fingers an intense wave of bliss flows through me. At last they subside and I am able to sit up still tingling and quivering. Never before have I experienced anything so exquisite, so satisfying and so incredibly fulfilling. My first orgasm? Is this what I have been missing all these years? Would this have happened with any guy or just Phil? All I know is I want more, and I am incredibly thankful to Tara for convincing me to come out with her.
Phil stands in front of me, his member proudly pointing at me. With lightly trembling hands I reach for it and grip it firmly. I find myself drawn towards it, and kiss the tip. There is a slightly bitter taste to him, but not unpleasant. Opening my mouth I take him in, my tongue caressing the underside as it slides past my lips. I have never done this before and I wonder if it shows. Looking up at his eyes I find Phil gazing happily at me, his body twitching as my tongue swirls around his member. Using my hand to rub the shaft I try a few sucks. He gasps with delight so I do it harder causing him to nearly lose his balance.
"I'm sorry" I panic, my fingers still gripping his erection. "Are you ok?"
"Y... yes!" he gasps. "That was rather intense and unexpected. Though something I used to dream about you doing."
"Really?" A mischievous smile crosses my face at the thought of a guy getting himself off thinking about me. "And what did I do in these dreams, this?"
I slowly ease him past my lips sucking hard as I take him in, then slowly out again. Several times I do this then pause with him just in front of my mouth and gaze into his eyes.
"Yeah!" he exclaims as I continue to work him with my hand.
"Shall I go faster?" I ask as my hand speeds up.
"Oh god, please!" he begs as I lick my lips.
Sucking him hard and deep I build up the speed. His hips begin to buck slightly and when I glance up his eyes are closed.
"What else did I do in these dreams?" I pause sucking to ask.
"S... squeeze my balls" he struggles to say.
"Like this?"
Continuing to pump his erection I cup his balls with my other hand and squeeze them gently but firmly. He nods eagerly.
"Did I make you finish?"
More nodding.
"In my mouth?" I query, nervous about what it may taste like.
He looks me deep in the eyes before giving a hesitant nod.
"Ok." I whisper my gaze locked with his.
I take him deep into my mouth, sucking harder still as I watch his face smile with pleasure. My head bobs back and forth, my hand just in front of my mouth. I had imagined I would not enjoy this, but knowing it is my actions that are giving him so much pleasure is such a buzz.
Phil's hips begin to buck slightly and his breathing becomes ragged as I continue to greedily devour him. Suddenly, as I give his balls a long squeeze, his hips push forward, he gasps loudly and my mouth is filled with his essence. The taste is unusual and the texture strange, but I have a strange sense of fulfilment at what I have achieved.
"Oh my!" gasps Phil, as I swallow. "That was incredible."
"Thanks" I shyly smile. "That was my first BJ."
"Really!?" incredulously he replies. "That was the best I've ever had."
"You're just saying that."
"No, I mean it. There is something about the way you looked at me that was an incredible turn on. Especially how you seemed to enjoy it too."
"I did," I grin with the taste of him still in my mouth, "and it was my pleasure after what you did for me."
Standing I kiss him deeply, my heart still racing as I press my body against him.
"I did nothing special, Erin. I'll gladly give you more if you want to come upstairs?"
I nod my acceptance and let him lead the way. Walking up the stairs I admire his strong physique and cute butt as it sways in front of me. The temptation to playfully slap it finally overcomes me as we reach the landing.
"Hey!" Phil exclaims as he turns and sees me giggling.
"Sorry. Couldn't resist."
"I'm gonna get you back" he smiles. "Just wait there a moment."
Phil slips into his bedroom and leaves me standing naked outside the door. Feeling a little self conscious I take in the tasteful decor. My heart sinks as I notice a photo of him and an attractive lady on a sunset beach stood on the side table next to his door. Picking it up for a closer look I can see that it has a date in the bottom corner just over two years ago. Is this his girlfriend and I am just someone he has picked up to cheat on her with? How could I have been so stupid? Feeling dirty and used I begin to cry as the bedroom door opens...
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