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Sunday, 21 September 2014

Tossing His Caber

Tossing His Caber
by Jonathan Eddington

In the middle of a large field just outside of town, most, if not all, of the local female population gathered. On top of a small hillock stood two young ladies, Aileen and Skye. The wind whipped their hair like wild flames, and added a faint red glow to their soft pale skin. Even under their thick coats it was easy to see the curves that had drawn so many men to them since they first blossomed into womanhood. After years of not settling down, they had learnt how to get a man to do what they want, when they wanted.

"So 'ave yea all been stickin' wit' the plan?" shouted Aileen over the general chit chat.

"Aye," shouted a smart middle aged lady near the front, "it's been easy. Every time the vote's mentioned a complain ova headache. It's been more a month since our last time. Thank God for my Rabbit!"

Laughter and nods ran though the crowd, though a few still looked worried.

"Mi Brodie still hasnae changed his mind" called out a young woman. "He keeps sayin' that Jamie MacLeod says we should split, so that's what he's gonna do."

Murmurs of agreement ran through the ladies.

"For nae" smirked Aileen. "Me an Skye've a plan..."

Read the rest of this story in the eBook, Amorous Adventures.

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